You will pay a monthly advance. This is an estimate of the total annual costs. The landlord may only charge the legally permitted service costs and may not earn profits. Built-in appliances and double glazing may not be included in the service costs; these are already included in the base rent. At the end of the calendar year, the actual costs will be calculated and the tenants will be provided with a settlement. The landlord has until 1 July to provide their tenants with this settlement.

Request return of overpayment

If you have paid more in your advances than the final charges, you are entitled to receive the difference. If you have already moved, Huurteam Utrecht can request this return on your behalf. Some landlords charge up to €150 in excess service costs each month. It is definitely worth looking into. Have your service costs evaluated and have the excess returned to you. Make an appointment or read more about this in our FAQ.

You are not required to pay an increase in service costs if the charges are not reported in time. You are also not required to accept new charges that have not been included in your rental agreement. If you are unsure whether you are paying the correct amount of service costs, make an appointment for a property assessment.

For more information regarding service costs, check our frequently asked questions.